Leading Women

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LEADING WOMAN - What women need to know to boss men
How is it that so few women hold leading corporate positions? Is it the men who won’t give up power? Do the women lack competence? Might it be because woman haven’t even learned to take control over themselves, never mind others?
These disturbing questions, are among many, many others tackled and analyzed through women’s perceptions and professional experience. This is a book which doesn’t side-step difficult and uncomfortable truths about women and men. The book clarifies for women what it means to really dig in and take leadership and responsibility by the horns - to meet resistance head on, and to set clear, well-defined limits… for men.

Woman should accept that they have to lead in a way that feels natural for them - not merely imitate male leaders. It’s about finding your own style, your own signature moves, to grow an awareness as both woman and leaders.

Barbro Dahlbom-Hall has years of experience dealing with management and leadership issues. She has worked on assignments for corporations, the EU, the Swedish public sector, such as the Swedish International Development Authority (SIDA), and healthcare institutions, as well as with several international NGO’s, and the UN.

This book is a self-contained follow-up to another of Dr.Dahlbom-Hall’s many published titels, What Men Need to Know for Women to Grow, 1992, which also appears in English 1994. Both books come alive with a useful blend of leadership philosophy and practical experience. The copy for this particular translation has been reworked to reflect 10 additional years of experience and knowledge, gained while working with women and men in high-level UN posts, all over the world.