Leading Women

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LEADING WOMEN - What men need to know for women to grow

Today’s managers and power brokers are men. They have and irrefutable responsibility as leaders to guide their personnel forward in development and careers. That personnel is, today, often women. Their presence in the labor market is rising all over the world, at the same time that we have a conspicuously low number of women at management level. This means that it is important to become aware of the importance of women being allowed to have careers and to come in at management levels, too. 

Why does this not happen automatically? Well, it is because men in management positions very seldom put women forward, or simply because they know too little about women’s conditions and needs of leaderships. This book intends to create awareness and to give specific advice and support to managers. 

The book is addressed to male managers who have women as co-workers. However, it is just as much for the women themselves to realize that their bosses often have a very limited knowledge of women’s reality in the work place. 

BARBRO DAHLBOM-HALL is a consultant in management and leadership issues, with long experience in Swedish trade and industry and public administration. To this has been added an international career with assignments for SIDA (the Swedish International Development Authority), the EU, the UN, INSEAD, UNICEF, et all. She has, these past years, worked closely with problems and opportunities, which arise when men and women meet in working life. 

BARBRO has received a number of awards for her work with creating insight into the connection between gender and leadership. In 1999, she was awarded an honorary Ph.D. in Medicine from the University of Uppsala and in 2002 Barbro received the Kings medal of the 8th dimension with the ribbon of the Order of the Seraphim’s.